Monthly Archives: November 2013

10:41 AM, Altadena, CA. This is the cover of a zine that I made earlier this year. I wanted to do something in full color featuring my drawings of books. Even though zines are an unbelievably crowded market, I couldn’t resist contributing one more. “Wait wait there’s more!” I actually have more titles floating around.

#693, 4:05 PM. Still walking around museums, I saw a display of Japanese feudal era protective gear. The combination of fighting outfits and formal business apparel makes a lot of sense to me. This is what a hedge fund manager fantasizes about when it comes to practical wardrobes. I personally like the mix of the old and the new but you wouldn’t find me wearing this even on Halloween.

8:06 AM, Altadena, CA. I was killing time at home and saw an old oil painting I did about 15 years ago and an old ukulele about twice as old. Putting them together I got a new narrative that was an intentional visual disruption that worked for me. Nothing is better than two horses and a string instrument.