
#1012, 7:06 PM, A partial visual playlist metaphorically pulled from my shelf.  I love them all but will single out a local band from Southern California called Dengue Fever.  Their sound is a blend of Cambodian pop, American retro, hybrid indie/world and sung by a well-known karaoke singer named Chhom Nimol. The other accomplished band members are American. Their cd is third from the top on the left side between R. Crumb and Freddy Fender.  Other favorites.

#1012, 7:06 PM, A partial visual playlist metaphorically pulled from my shelf. I love them all but will single out a local band from Southern California called Dengue Fever. Their sound is a blend of Cambodian pop, American retro, hybrid indie/world and sung by a well-known Cambodian female karaoke singer named Chhom Nimol. The other accomplished male band members are American. Their cd is third from the top on the left side between R. Crumb and Freddy Fender. Other favorites.


This is one of my paintings from a series of hyper-stylized portraits. It was featured in the January 2015 issue of Chronogram.  Thanks to David Perry of Chronogram and Tom Christopher from the Lift Trucks Project in Croton Falls, NY. http://issuu.com/chronogram/docs/chronogram_0115/59?e=1064148/10740922

This is one of my paintings from a series of hyper-stylized portraits. It was featured in the January 2015 issue of Chronogram Magazine. Thanks to David Perry of Chronogram and Tom Christopher from the Lift Trucks Project in Croton Falls, NY.