Category Archives: cannibals

5:06 PM, Altadena, CA. When I refer to the term “Cannibals” in my work, I’m referring to the reuse of my paintings, photos and drawings. The results are visual hybrids, transformations, alterations and mutations. These hybrids can lead to further “cannibalization” by serving as parts of larger paintings later on.

8:09 AM, Altadena, CA. The picture behind the book is a breed of dog called a Shiba Inu. They are independent in temperament and can be described as having cat-like qualities. That means they are keen observers, fastidious self-groomers, and can appear to be disinterested to people. I’d recommend the breed for experienced dog owners who aren’t afraid to assert their dominance over a dog that will run roughshod over anything if it can. Mine is well behaved, finally.

1:05 PM, Altadena, CA. The oil painting in back of the book was in a show at the Irvine Fine Arts Center a long time ago. It was a straight ahead narrative using conventional media but had an unconventional title that offended the reviewer of the show. I wasn’t really surprised since it was shown in Orange County, California, a relatively conservative place.