Category Archives: drawings
12-17-18. Another Way to Read.
10-18-18. It’s Almost Over.
9-25-18. Alternate meanings in a faculty show.

This is my contribution to this year’s faculty show. I call it “Cropped Fingers” and on further reflection, I could have called it “Detail of Fingers” or better yet, “Yakuza Fingertips”. For those unfamiliar with the world of Japanese gangsters, offenders to the group would be encouraged to chop off their pinky fingertips as a way to clear up a debt or offense. Truth be told, I have seen only one missing digit in my lifetime.
9-15-18. Long Beach Zine Fest.

What’s a zine? A zine is a self-produced booklet that contains photocopied images and text. It’s likely to be inexpensive to make and produced in limited printed editions. Good ones are real gems and are sought by collectors. It’s gaining in popularity especially in creative fields because they can serve as practical self-promotion items due to its inexpensive up-front costs to make. This year, there were new faces to the zine world and they included a few of my advanced illustration students from Pasadena City College and they had a great booth with their works. Eric Nakamura from the classic Giant Robot store and gallery in West Los Angeles was there too. Good job all around!