Category Archives: patterns
12-17-18. Drawing with a Knife.
9-25-18. Alternate meanings in a faculty show.

This is my contribution to this year’s faculty show. I call it “Cropped Fingers” and on further reflection, I could have called it “Detail of Fingers” or better yet, “Yakuza Fingertips”. For those unfamiliar with the world of Japanese gangsters, offenders to the group would be encouraged to chop off their pinky fingertips as a way to clear up a debt or offense. Truth be told, I have seen only one missing digit in my lifetime.
8-19-18. Tight Crops and Fish.

Koi farms are complicated sites. There are ponds, splashing water, pipes and shade nets overhead. As I wandered through the farm, the complexity makes sense. A typical farm will appear to be a network of many controlled environmental systems for the valuable fish to flourish. I’d say that koi farms are also good photo opportunities. This snapshot is a detail of reflections in the water.
7-17-18. High Design.

I need to share Pigment in Tokyo. I had seen it on tv and now, I got to see it in person. This is a must-see place for artists, designers, architects and anybody remotely interested in beautiful retail environments and specialty art products. It’s simply called Pigment because their focus is on dry powder pigments that are the essence of color in paints. It was amazing to see jars filled with the powdered pigments and not in the usual tube or can. The interior space of bamboo slats covering the ceiling and walls is another fine architectural example from Kengo Kuma and Associates. Check out my previous blog post for more of his works. Lastly, thanks Pigment for letting me try out your brushes. They were great! I won’t forget you!
7-11-18. Architectural Japan.

This is the Sunnyhills Pineapple Cake Shop in Miami-Aiyana, Tokyo. The shop sells a popular Taiwanese pineapple cake. It’s also known for its mind-boggling architecture by Kengo Kuma & Associates. The amazing exterior of wood slats at precise angles were assembled by local craftsmen. It’s like an intense 3D grid of wood that encases the whole building. I recommend a visit and if that’s not enough, the friendly staff offer a free dessert sample with tea. Be gracious to them, it’s a super treat just to go inside!