
This is one of my paintings from a series of hyper-stylized portraits. It was featured in the January 2015 issue of Chronogram.  Thanks to David Perry of Chronogram and Tom Christopher from the Lift Trucks Project in Croton Falls, NY. http://issuu.com/chronogram/docs/chronogram_0115/59?e=1064148/10740922

This is one of my paintings from a series of hyper-stylized portraits. It was featured in the January 2015 issue of Chronogram Magazine. Thanks to David Perry of Chronogram and Tom Christopher from the Lift Trucks Project in Croton Falls, NY.


#598, 8:19 PM. This was another manipulated snapshot from IKEA. Underneath the swirling lines was a digital snapshot of a colored fabric. The fabric’s color palette was so unaccustomed to me that I wanted to work it into my own design.